Nov 25th - Dec 31st 2023 ( Frankfurt )
Jeff Sheel - Downtown Street Stories

Meet the Artist 

Unadorned, without filters and mercilessly honest – this is how US-born artist Jeff Sheel passionately captures moments, situations and snapshots of life. His photographs show the world unvarnished with all its facets and destinies, telling an individual story with each shot. The artist does not allow himself to be restricted in his choice of motifs – this quickly becomes apparent when examining his works. The photographer skillfully captures old and young faces, happy and sad moments, harmonious and questionable situations, and is thus able to share not only a picture, but a whole world bound to a story with his audience. Since the person is not aware of the camera the viewer gets to see real life impressions from the flow of time. 

Patricia Zenklusen, Zurich

© Alexander Friedrich. All rights reserved.

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