Oct - Nov 2021 ( Berlin )
Lea A. Ellermeier - Contemporary Modern Art

Meet the Artist 

You could say Lea Ellermeier is a painter and you would be right. But it's not the whole truth. It's hard to put a label on Lea. She is an entrepreneur and CEO, author, and painter. She describes herself as a creative person trying to understand the world through her many artistic endeavors.

“I may not be able to put into words what 1983 was like, or a kiss, or the Berkshires. BUT WHEN I BEGIN TO PAINT, I CAN TRANSLATE THE FEELING TO AN IMAGE: I capture what roller skating in the 1970s looked like through my child’s eyes (ROLLER HEAVEN) or how singing along with Tina Turner’s makes me feel. (WHAT’S LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT).”

Painting is her way of making sense of the chaos she perceives in the world, an attempt to rearrange colors, lines, and shapes to create something beautiful and unique. Her artistic style mirrors the disruptive nature of her professional work. It’s not a fixed style, but it mixes up how we see the everyday landscapes, pulls apart the lines and shapes and colors to show us something entirely new.

Christian Kneisel, former director at the Berlin Academy of the Arts said of Lea, “Lea Ellermeier immerses herself in parallel universes, creates her own galaxies as if she were looking at them from the inside. She gives us coded hints to visible realities, turns the inside out and is brave enough to make deeply hidden things clear to us.”

Lea received her B.A. from the University of Texas at El Paso and an M.B.A. from the Thunderbird, School of Global Management in Glendale, Arizona. She and her husband split their time between Dallas, Texas and Berlin, Germany.

Her paintings have been sold worldwide and a selection are available for reprints on this site. To purchase an original, please reach out to hello@leaellermeier.com for pricing. 



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